Vers 1: I don´t like you
No matter what you do
Don´t you cry to
I will leave you
When I parted
You were far from red
You are a nazi
In a party head
Brygga: This is my rules
This is my house
This is my thoguhts
This is my: VAGINA!
Vers 2: When I told you
all my secrets
You called me a whore
You will regret
when I left you
You didn´t give a shit
Now it´s my turn
I know I am grit
Brygga: This is my rules
This is my house
This is my thoguhts
This is my: VAGINA!
Vers 3: I don´t like your dick
I don´t like the kick
A cactus rid it is
Fighting back is me
Rapist of it´s mist
My head is on a twist
A cactus rid it is
Fighting back what is
Don´t ever threat a woman who says no. I really thought you were a feminist, but you weren’t tho . . .
What are your thoughts of this lyrics?
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